The Siq - the canyon of Petra in Jordan

The Siq - the canyon of Petra in Jordan

Entrance to the rock city • Cultural highlights • Natural canyon

from AGE ™ Travel Magazine
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JordanWorld Heritage PetraStory PetraPetra mapSightseeing Petra • Siq - Rock Canyon

The Siq forms the natural entrance to the Rock city of Petra and offered the Nabataeans a sheltered valley. The Arabic name as-Siq means shaft. The impressive rock gorge is approx. 70 meters high and extends over a length of more than one kilometer. The beautiful colors of the rock face and the view up along the towering stone massif alone are worth a walk. Originally the canyon was the river bed of Wadi Musa. However, the Nabataeans diverted the river through a rock tunnel to prevent a flash flood. At its narrowest point, the Siq is only 3 meters wide and the famous is located on it Al Khazneh Treasure House.

In addition to its natural beauty, the gorge is home to some cultural delicacies: The life-size rock relief of camels and their guides is particularly impressive. They are visible on two successive rock wall sections, with the camels of the two reliefs striding towards each other. The legs, in particular, are still clearly visible, as they were protected by rubble for a long time.

There are also numerous god symbols and several small shrines carved into the rock. A guided tour of the Siq can be worthwhile in order not to miss all the hidden details. With enough time in your luggage and a good eye, you can also explore the mysteries of the canyon yourself.

Remnants of ancient water pipes run on both sides of the canyon. These canals guaranteed the Nabataeans a safe water supply for their city. In some parts of the canyon, cobblestones are also visible. Parts of this antique flooring from the 1st century BC BC were exposed and restored. The dams that provided protection from flash floods from the side gorges of the Siq have also been rebuilt and can be seen when walking through the rock gorge. The Siq is rightly not only an interesting entrance to the rock city, but is - with all its small wonders - an important sight of Petra in itself.

who these Sights in Petra want to visit, follow that Main Trail – Petra Jordan's main trail.

JordanWorld Heritage PetraStory PetraPetra mapSightseeing Petra • Siq - Rock Canyon

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Texts and photos are protected by copyright. The copyrights of this article in words and images are entirely owned by AGE ™. All rights reserved. Content for print / online media can be licensed on request.
Source reference for text research
Information boards on site, as well as personal experiences when visiting the UNESCO World Heritage Site Petra Jordan in October 2019.

Petra Development And Tourism Region Authority (oD), Locations in Petra. The Siq. [online] Retrieved on April 15.04.2021, XNUMX, from URL:
Universes in Universe (oD), The Siq. [online] Retrieved on April 15.04.2021, XNUMX, from URL:
Wikipedia authors (14.09.2018), Siq. [online] Retrieved on April 15.04.2021, XNUMX, from URL:

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