Swimming with whale sharks (rhincodon typus)

Swimming with whale sharks (rhincodon typus)

Diving & Snorkeling • World's Largest Shark • Wildlife Viewing

from AGE ™ Travel Magazine
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Peaceful giants!

You will experience real goosebumps when swimming with whale sharks. This is one of the few moments in life when you feel tiny and infinitely happy. The gentle giants hold dual records as the world's largest shark and largest fish. Its average size is extremely impressive at over 10 meters in length. Particularly large animals can even reach up to 20 meters and 34 tons in weight. Despite its size, the cartilaginous fish is completely harmless. As a plankton eater, it is one of the few sharks that mainly feed on plants. With its mouth open, it filters its food from the water. In addition to plankton and krill, small fish are also included. Even if the impressive giants are peaceful, a minimum distance is important. Because of his body mass alone, you would rather not be in his way. Of course it is forbidden to touch the animal and it goes without saying that you better not swim directly in front of its mouth. Those who follow these rules have nothing to fear. Experience an unforgettable encounter with one of the most fascinating creatures in the oceans.

To you and you with the largest fish on earth ...

Wildlife ViewingDiving and Snorkeling • Swimming with whale sharks

Snorkeling with whale sharks in Mexico

October to April is whale shark season Baja California. The bay of La Paz is then particularly rich in plankton and attracts young whale sharks. During this time, the animals eat in shallow water near the coast. A fantastic opportunity. Here snorkelers can marvel at the beautiful giant fish up close. Even as young animals, the whale sharks, with a length of around 4 to 8 meters, are more than impressive. Besides La Paz, whale shark tours are also in Cape Pulmo or Cabo San Lucas is possible.
In southeastern Mexico, swimming with whale sharks is in the area between June and September Yucatan Peninsula near Cancun possible. There are tour providers in, for example Playa del Carmen, Cozumel or Holbox Island. Yucatan is for divers too unique cenotes famous.
Mexico is the ideal place to meet whale sharks. However, diving is not permitted, only snorkeling tours are permitted. To protect the animals, a certified guide must be present every time they jump into the water. In Baja California, the maximum group size in the water is 5 people plus a guide. In Yucatan, a maximum of 2 people plus guide are allowed into the water at the same time. Note possible changes.

Diving with whale sharks in the Galapagos

Im Galapagos National Park Divers have a good chance of meeting the rare giants, especially between July and November. However, this is only to be expected in very remote areas.
On Cruise in Galapagos For example, whale sharks can occasionally be spotted in the area between the back of Isabela and Fernandina Island. Intense encounters with whale sharks while diving are on diving Safari around the remote Wolf + Darwin Islands possible. Galapagos is known for Diving with sharks. In addition to whale sharks, you can also see reef sharks, Galapagos sharks and hammerheads here.

Wildlife ViewingDiving and Snorkeling • Swimming with whale sharks

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Texts and photos are protected by copyright. The copyrights of this article in words and images are entirely owned by AGE ™. All rights reserved. Content for print / online media can be licensed on request.
AGE™ was lucky enough to observe whale sharks. Please note that no one can guarantee an animal sighting. This is a natural habitat. If you do not see any animals at the mentioned places or have other experiences as described here, we assume no liability. The contents of the article have been carefully researched. However, if information is misleading or incorrect, we assume no liability. Furthermore, circumstances can change. AGE™ does not guarantee currency.
Source reference for text research
Information on site, as well as personal experiences. Snorkeling in Mexico February 2020. Snorkeling and diving in Galapagos February / March and July / August 2021.

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